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Business Support – Government and Helpful Resources for Funding and Advice
17 January 2021
Setting up and running a UK business is a challenging but rewarding process. Now more than ever there are many things to consider and inf...
Businessmen smiling and having a coffee
06 July 2020
Recently I attended a presentation by Professor Brian Smith entitled “Strategy after COVID 19” and his concluding slide really struck a c...
Woman working on a laptop
24 March 2020
I had a great conversation with a talented bookkeeper the other day. We chatted about our experiences of producing useful & relevant ...
Two businesswomen discussing
19 February 2020
Britain is a nation of start-up businesses. In 2017 nearly 660,000 companies were established making the UK second only to the USA for nu...
A row of coins representing financial growth
19 August 2019
Many businesses hit a glass ceiling a couple of years into their existence. The problem isn’t necessarily that their product is no longer...
A person doing a backflip
19 April 2019
Cash flow. It’s the curse of most businesses. If you’re not chasing people to pay you then you’re probably busy paying others for service...